Informal headshot of Govinda set amidst green bamboo in Rishikesh, Uttarakhand, India. Govinda is the facilitator of The Effortless Way.

About Govinda

Growing up in a conservative Christian household, I first had a distinguishable experience of the Peace that surpasses all understanding at the age of five at a Christian event. I invited Jesus into my heart and a deep peace and love washed over my entire body. From that moment, I never doubted the existence of a great force for good. I lived my life fervently around the teachings of the church. At the age of 22, I started a belief deconstruction period after I spent a year living in Eswatini. I no longer could call myself a Christian in the way I had for the past 17 years of my life, yet I still knew, deep down, that there was an all-powerful force that was also only loving.

Through YouTube interviews and talks, I discovered people who claimed to have transcended suffering and experienced a thin identification with the separate self. Although I hadn't consciously experienced it, I was tired of having to uphold a certain image of myself for those around me. Eventually, my intellectual worldview opened when I embraced the understanding that this great force for good is truly omnipresent, nothing excluded, EVERYTHING included, contrary to my conservative Christian beliefs.

On a cold Minneapolis night in 2019, I directly experienced this field of omnipresence. I left my body and watched as I saw my entire identity and all that I ever knew go by me. I flew past Celestial Bodies and left the entire Universe to merge with a single point, and I was still there. I turned around and realized that whatever I ever thought was the small “me” was only a small part of the Self that I truly am. I returned back to my body bathed in complete freedom and bliss, liberated from any stress and tension. For over an hour I shouted “Everything!?? Everything?!? NO WAY!” in ecstatic elation. Upon return back to “my” body, I experienced a profound sense of home. The experience of deep peace and comfort remained for weeks. At the time, I was working as a healthcare analyst in a health insurance office, and I found myself immersed in immense beauty and grace simply sitting at my desk. I bawled my eyes out many afternoons because of the beauty contained in each moment (even whilst staring at a computer screen!).

Over time, the experience faded. I learned that healing is a complex process. After taking up and practicing many different spiritual modalities to continue healing, I learned Ascension meditation during the COVID19 pandemic in 2020. Within a month of practicing Ascension meditation, I was having similar, more stable experiences of this field of peace. One night on a warm summer night, I found myself in the middle of the George Floyd uprising in Minneapolis as the tension in the city was rising. I was meditating and military helicopters were flying above. It felt like a war zone. I came out of meditation and found myself in the same spot as when I returned from observing the universe. I was in complete peace, even though my surroundings were utterly chaotic. It was as if I was watching a movie. As the scenes rolled by, I was asked to accompany my friend to go check the end of the alleyway for a possible bomb. I did not experience the fear that I would normally be pushing up against to do this sort of thing. Fortunately, no bomb was there, but the experience of watching a movie continued.

During this period of healing, I discovered the power of energy medicine. After many healing sessions, I wanted to offer this service to others. I learned a form of energy healing called vibrational medicine in April 2021 and started my year of apprenticeship. Clients report many breakthroughs throughout the sessions. I offer these sessions as a way for clients to get in touch with their innate healing abilities contained within the energetic systems of the body and beyond.

In the fall of 2022, I had a wonderful opportunity to meditate in India for a five-month intensive retreat where I meditated for eight to ten hours daily. The retreat brought immense healing, inner transformation, and stability. I now teach Ascension Meditation to groups and individuals so that they, too, can rediscover their True Nature and, consequently, live an effortless life.

Waterfall in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA