Ascension Meditation

Ascension is a series of effortless techniques based on appreciation, gratitude, and love. As one uses these techniques, the mind is charmed into Samadhi. Removing the barriers to Samadhi, there is a sense that Home has always ever been here. Profound rest, often deeper than sleep ensues. As the body rests, regrets of the past and worries about the future dissipate. The Universe becomes user-friendly.


Concentration is a natural state of the mind and can be achieved effortlessly. The techniques learned in this practice act like ideal bananas which charm the monkey mind into concentration. This allows concentration and healing to become effortless, even spontaneous.


One can get a taste of effortless meditation with the evening taster course. If one decides to do the full weekend, the taster course fee can be counted towards the full weekend course fee. Get into contact with Govinda if this applies.
